Rambo is an American media franchise centered on a series of action films. The films follow John Rambo, a US Army veteran played by Sylvester Stallone, who is traumatized by his experience in the Vietnam War, and uses the skills he gained there to fight corrupt police officers, enemy troops and drug cartels. His first in the Rambo series, Rambo First Blood, was mostly filmed in Hope, BC, giving our little town some claim to fame!
48% Polyester, 45% Cotton, 5% Elastic, 2% Spandex
Machine wash, cold (30 ℃ / 86 ℉). Do not bleach or iron. To reduce damage and if you're feeling very fancy, line dry. They will last longer if you keep them out of the tumble dryer. Eat well. Exercise. Have an amazing day.
Returns are accepted if items are unwashed and in original condition.
Tab title
Rambo is an American media franchise centered on a series of action films. The films follow John Rambo, a US Army veteran played by Sylvester Stallone, who is traumatized by his experience in the Vietnam War, and uses the skills he gained there to fight corrupt police officers, enemy troops and drug cartels. His first in the Rambo series, Rambo First Blood, was mostly filmed in Hope, BC, giving our little town some claim to fame!
48% Polyester, 45% Cotton, 5% Elastic, 2% Spandex
Machine wash, cold (30 ℃ / 86 ℉). Do not bleach or iron. To reduce damage and if you're feeling very fancy, line dry. They will last longer if you keep them out of the tumble dryer. Eat well. Exercise. Have an amazing day.
Returns are accepted if items are unwashed and in original condition.